Manoj Pharmaceuticals (factory), Sunsari

Views: 1573 Next
Address: dharan,audhogik chetra,Sunsari, Nepal
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1 people have shared their experiences with Manoj Pharmaceuticals (factory)

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Biva Singh
25 May,2023

This is Biva Singh from Itahari,Sunsari Nepal did MBA from Anna University in Finance and Marketing an B.Sc. Biochemistry from Pokhara University.

I have one work experienced in Arya Pharmaceutical as a OC Analyst and in Account and Management section for Nine Year.

I am interested in Pharmaceutical Because I have Knowlege regarding this not much but yes one year. So i believe i have ability to manage overall including account section.

I am honest, punctual an dedicated to work. Expecting a favorable response if any opportunity is there.

yours Sincerely

Biva Singh

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