Tirupati Industries Pvt.ltd.,

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25 Nov,2020

Dear sir,ma'am,

Greetings from Aanya chemicals

We are pleased to introduce us as manufacturer of sodium silicate, in the forms of liquid and glass, alkaline and nuetral both as well as silica gel.

We would like to know if you have any requirements for sodium silicate and silica gel.

Our products are as mentioned below

1. Sodium silicate solid(Alkaline/neutral)
2. Sodium silicate liquid(Alkaline/neutral)
3. Silica gel(white/orange/blue/beads/pouch)

Your response will be highly appreciated

Best regards
Tarun Gupta
Aanya chemicals

Mobile: 9818602288
Website: www.aanyachemicals.in

Pratik Dudhrejiya
18 Dec,2018

Dear Sir / Ma'am,
Greetings from Ankit Silicate!

We are pleased to introduce us as manufacturer of Sodium Silicate in forms of Glass, Liquid, Powder and Sodium Meta Silicate.

We would like to know if you have any requirements of Sodium Silicate.

Our products are as mentioned below:

1. Sodium Silicate Solid (Glass/Lump)
2. Sodium Silicate Liquid
3. Sodium Meta Silicate

Your response will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Pratik Dudhrejiya
(Marketing Manager)
Ankit Silicate

Mobile : +91 709 690 8370
Website : www.ankitsilicat.com
Email : export@ankitsilicate.com

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