G.m. Agro Services Pvt.ltd., Kathmandu

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Address: tripureshwor,,Kathmandu, Nepal
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1 people have shared their experiences with G.m. Agro Services Pvt.ltd.

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Srijana Sapkota
29 Aug,2019

Hello there,

I am an agriculture graduate from Tribhuvan University. During my undergraduate studies I have been always intrigued by the agri-business. My under graduate research assessment was also on “Value chain of coffee and other products in Nepal”. After my bachelors, I have also done a job in Agro based company to explore my interest in feasible way.

Currently, while I was preparing my research based journal about the “Agriculture based companies here in Nepal, its prospects and threats”, I got to know about this company and I was astonished by the ongoing research and the development of various agricultural products and I genuinely believe that this company has a lot of potential in near future.

Furthermore, I am extremely interested to join the group of this company and excel my energy for the future. If given the opportunity to work in this field, I am geared up to put all my efforts and and my skills in best possible way.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Srijana Sapkota

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