Bandana Motor Parts, Chitwan

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Address: mahendra buspark,narayangarh,Chitwan, Nepal
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2 people have shared their experiences with Bandana Motor Parts

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Anil Jain
08 Mar,2020

S Thomas
08 Jun,2019

Dear Sir / Ma'am,

If you have any requirement of HOLOGRAMS / SCRATCH-OFF LABELS / BARCODE LABELS / PAPER LABELS, etc. please contact us.

We can provide you the following products:

1) High Security Hologram Labels (with or without LASER Serial Numbering)
2) Scratch-off Labels : Holographic & Non-Holographic
3) Holographic Hot-stamping
4) Paper Label with Hologram
5) Barcode Label with Hologram
6) Holograms with Thermochromic (Temperature) Ink Printing
7) Mirror Film

Should you need any further assistance / clarification, please feel free to contact to me.

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