ERA International Hospital Pvt. Ltd., located in Sorakhutee, the heart of Nepal's capital, is dedicated to providing world-class healthcare at affordable costs to both Nepali citizens and international visitors. We offer comprehensive medical services for the entire family, emphasizing quality, personalized care, and state-of-the-art facilities. Our specialized packages cater to travelers, trekkers, and aid workers, while our commitment to emergency services and collaborations with global insurance companies ensures comprehensive healthcare solutions.
ERA International Hospital Pvt. Ltd., located in Sorakhutee, the heart of Nepal's capital, is dedicated to providing world-class healthcare at affordable costs to both Nepali citizens and international visitors. We offer comprehensive medical services for the entire family, emphasizing quality, personalized care, and state-of-the-art facilities. Our specialized packages cater to travelers, trekkers, and aid workers, while our commitment to emergency services and collaborations with global insurance companies ensures comprehensive healthcare solutions.
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