OM Healthcare Diagnostic Center is leading and one of the trusted medical testing laboratory that provides comprehensive diagnostic services, emphasizing precision and patient care. Conveniently located at Mahalaxmi-6, Siddhipur, Lalitpur, the center offers advanced diagnostic tests and screenings, including the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and health consultations. Our Preventive Whole Body Checkup Package includes personalized health reports and expert consultations to promote your well-being.
OM Healthcare Diagnostic Center is leading and one of the trusted medical testing laboratory that provides comprehensive diagnostic services, emphasizing precision and patient care. Conveniently located at Mahalaxmi-6, Siddhipur, Lalitpur, the center offers advanced diagnostic tests and screenings, including the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and health consultations. Our Preventive Whole Body Checkup Package includes personalized health reports and expert consultations to promote your well-being.
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