Kailash Yatra is a travel company that offers a wide range of services for travelers visiting Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, and the Holy Mount Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. The company prides itself on providing customized itineraries that are tailored to the specific needs of each group, including recommendations for hotels and transportation based on group size, budget, and interests. The company also offers a range of adventure tours, trekking, rafting, mountaineering, and pilgrimage tours. One of the key features of Shivalaya Holidays is the company’s attention to detail when it comes to hotels and transportation. The company inspects and visits all hotels before recommending them to guests, and if guests are not satisfied with their hotel, the company will immediately switch them to a different hotel. The company also ensures that all transportation is up-to-date and properly inspected, and if there are any unforeseeable circumstances, the company will send a backup vehicle to ensure that guests reach their destination safely.
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