Progressive Youth Society, Bajhang

Views: 759 Next
Address: Chainpur,,Bajhang, Nepal

Progressive youth Society (PYS) is a non-governmental, non profitable and non religious organization. It was registered under district administrative office Bajhang at March 29, 2004 according to social welfare act 2034. A club formed by youths of Rithapata VDC (now a ward of Jayprithivi Municippality), used to organize, manage sports tournament and volunteered to conduct health camps organized at the hospital and run activities for youth engagement.This organization has been working in different sector such as, Health, sanitation, disability, woman and children, gender and income generation, Mental health etc. by partnering with various I/NGO's and governmental organization since 2004. PYS is working one municipalities and 6 rural municipalities of Bajhang District and going another District.

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