Kathmandu Technician, Kathmandu

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Address: माछापोखरी मार्ग,,Kathmandu, Nepal

🙏 Welcome to Kathmandu Technician Repair Service 🙏 🗺 Kathmandu Technician is the marmat sewa located in Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal, providing you the best services regarding the home-based services of electronic appliances ranging from large to small (such as an electric heater, microwave oven, Led tv, Fridge, Washing Machine, Deep Freezer and much more.) 👷‍♂️ We have experience of more than 20+ years in repairing electronic appliances and had served 10,000+ happy customers over this decade. Our highly skilled technicians and the technology that we have helps you to repair your damaged electronic appliances so you don't have to worry. ✉ For inquires please fill up this form: We will get back to you as soon as possible.😊

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