Youth Vision Hotel Training Center, Kathmandu

Hotel Training Views: 957 Next
Address: Sorakhutte Chowk,,Kathmandu, Nepal

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a Professional Hotel Management Training Center working for providing job oriented training program particularly in the field of hotel management sector of tourism industry since 2012 receiving affiliation from CTEVT of Nepal. We deal with Consultation, Preparation, selection and enrollment of deserving students in the best hotels, restaurants and cafés in Nepal and in abroad. Moreover, we help to those candidates who are wishing to go abroad for hospitality jobs with warm coordination with the manpower agencies. We have fully furnished and well equipped lab which is located in the heart of Kathmandu. The organization is operated by a team of qualified experts and highly educated and experienced chefs and instructors.

We provide the basic and advanced training classes of Cook, Waiter, Bartender, Barista, Bakery and Housekeeping. Besides, we enroll various special classes to needy students as per their needs. Since our students are groomed by highly experienced professional trainers in well equipped premises, they get skilled with depth knowledge, theoretically as well as practically and we trust that they will be capable of handling the assignment in related fields. We believe in quality and try to provide optimum satisfaction.

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