Prasanta Soap And Chemical Companies, Jhapa

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Address: Damak 9,,Jhapa, Nepal
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4 people have shared their experiences with Prasanta Soap And Chemical Companies

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02 Dec,2022

Dear Sirs,
I am a Detergent Manufacturing Consultant having a vast experiance of 43 years with renowed manufacturers.
Giving consultancy for existing and New Detergent,Home care and Personal Care Products.Already giving consultancy to two big business houses of Nepal.
Pl contact for further details and assistance.
Sr Consultant

Ashraya Timalsina
02 Aug,2021

Dear Sir/Maam,
Warm Greetings,
We are please to introduce ourselves as (Manakamana Group of Industries)Avocado International Pvt ltd from bharatpur Chitwan. we are the suppliers of White slurry(Labsa) soda ash dolomite and many others. we are suppling raw materials to many industries all over in Nepal just like cmc mhec rd powder Titanium dioxide and many more. So we like to join with you too if you are interested then.
Highly appreciate from your side.

Best Regards
Ashraya Timalsina
Sales Officer
Ph.Num- 9866395090

Ashraya Timalsina
02 Aug,2021

Dear Sir/Maam,
Warm Greetings,
We are please to introduce ourselves as (Manakamana Group of Industries)Avocado International Pvt ltd from bharatpur Chitwan. we are the suppliers of White slurry(Labsa) soda ash dolomite and many others. we are suppling raw materials to many industries all over in Nepal just like cmc mhec rd powder Titanium dioxide and many more. So we like to join with you too if you are interested then.
Highly appreciate from your side.

Best Regards
Ashraya Timalsina
Sales Officer
Ph.Num- 9866395090

03 Aug,2019

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