Mountain River Films, Kathmandu

Line Production Views: 1459 Next
Address: 32-Kalikasthan, Ghattekulo,Bhitri Goswara Marg,Kathmandu, Nepal

MRF (Mountain River Films) is a leading film production and distribution house of Nepal with its vision of acquiring and promoting most meaningful and well crafted independent films from South Asia and other parts of the world. As part of movie production & distribution network in Nepal as well as overseas, we provide end to end service for film distribution, promotion and movie premiere for South Asian Movies. The films acquired by Mountain River Films has won several awards at national and international arenas.Proud to be a part of team who bought the hit movie "Talakjung Vs Tulke"​ to the Overseas !!!
MRF is trying its best to bridge the gap between the indie filmmakers and International film network.

Sublime concepts, incisive knowledge, consummate artistry, state of the art equipments, technical skills and painstaking labor are the words that are synonymous with Mountain River Films .

The journey started some 6 years back and over the years, we have set our identity with our clients in a way that the name doesn't need any introduction at all.

We've achieved innumerable appreciation and also, carved a place in the market leaving our competitors distinctively behind.

Our service offerings can be divided into three broad categories:
1. Line Production Services
2. Casting Services
3. Advertising Services

We at Mountain River Films understand the uniqueness of every project, our detail oriented team supervises every project like a hawk and delivers the same with strategic objectives. In short, we access the minutest details, specific needs and other parameters keeping in mind the budget and deadlines.
Our team is aptly experienced, truly professional with in-depth knowledge of local resources and execute any project in the most effective and organized manner.
Mountain River Films is one name you can rely upon when it comes to challenging and tight deadlines, we know how to make your project run smoothly and flawlessly and of course, within budget.

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