Thamel Garments, Kathmandu

Views: 4645 Next
Address: thamel,,Kathmandu, Nepal

We are one of the reputed wholesaler,retailer and manufacturer garments company located in the heart of thamel.We provide best quality cotton, silk, hemp and batique products at a reasonable price. Please feel free to email or contact if u want to do an enquiry.We also have cargo facility

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2 people have shared their experiences with Thamel Garments

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S Thomas
08 Jun,2019

Dear Sir / Ma'am,

If you have any requirement of HOLOGRAMS / SCRATCH-OFF LABELS / BARCODE LABELS / PAPER LABELS, etc. please contact us.

We can provide you the following products:

1) High Security Hologram Labels (with or without LASER Serial Numbering)
2) Scratch-off Labels : Holographic & Non-Holographic
3) Holographic Hot-stamping
4) Paper Label with Hologram
5) Barcode Label with Hologram
6) Holograms with Thermochromic (Temperature) Ink Printing
7) Mirror Film

Should you need any further assistance / clarification, please feel free to contact to me.

05 Aug,2018

Dear Sir or Madam,

please send me your wholesale price list with pictures for all your hemp products on Any web site?

Best Regards, Samo

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