Dakshinkali Tar Jali And Metal Works, Kathmandu

Tar Jali Views: 2824 Next
Address: samakhusi, kathmandu,,Kathmandu, Nepal

WE Deals about chainlink mesh, Gabbion wire Box, Compound Jali, and all kinds of jali as per order

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2 people have shared their experiences with Dakshinkali Tar Jali And Metal Works

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Jit Pradhan Bhuktan
04 Aug,2018

I need to install 1.5 inch heavy coated chain-link fence on the 5169 sq.ft perimeter of my farm land in Lamatar, Lalitpur. The fence height is 6 feet plus two rows of barbed wire lining on top. I need one large steel gate 12' x 6.5 ', and two 4' x 6.5 chain-link gates and four smaller 3' x 6.5' chain-link gate. Could you please send me your quotation at your earliest?
My mob number is 98510 30 180.

07 Mar,2018

I would like to know about wholsaler coz i am planning to open retail shop in bhairahawa so sir can you give me some information about net and is it possible to purchase from you in wholsale rate.

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