Transweld Transformer, Kathmandu

Views: 3027 Next
Address: Tokha,Greenland,Kathmandu, Nepal

Transweld Nepal has the capacity of manufacturing 5 to 2000 KVA of 11 and 33 KV distribution transformers in accordance with the latest IEC: 60076, IS: 2026 specifications & other equivalent international standards as requested by customers. Transweld Nepal has manufactured more than 10,000 units of various rated distribution transformers that are successfully installed all over the country.

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Chandra Chhetry
30 Oct,2022

Dear Sir

Would you please provide me the retail price of 25 and 50 KVA Transweld Transformer in Kathmandu ??

06 Jun,2019

Would you please provide me the retail price of 150 KVA Transweld Transformer in Kathmandu ??

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