Kantipur Security Services Pvt.ltd., Kathmandu

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Address: chabahil,,Kathmandu, Nepal
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5 people have shared their experiences with Kantipur Security Services Pvt.ltd.

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BihariLal Mahato Khulawat
20 Dec,2022

20 Dec 2022
The Manager
Kantipur Security Services Pvt.ltd.
Chabahil, Kathmandu

Sub: Applying for the post of Security job.
Dear Sir,
The guidance counselor Of your company was informed me that your company was need of an honourable person for it.I would like to consider for this position.I complete my first SEE batch of 2074 from Shree Motherland sec eng.boa.school,Adarahanagar Birgunj.I have 2-3 months of experience in Myadi Police for Nepal government.I know to take care of things or company properties. I'm fluent in English Language and I'll contact you in coming days to save you from bad crisis.I hope this will satisfy you.
Thank you
Your Cincerely
Bk Chauhan.

BihariLal Mahato Khulawat
20 Dec,2022

Khadga Limbu
11 Mar,2021

hello sir good morning .
i have experince internetional security guard and bomba drieal also 8 years experince goad setificet so i need job .what can i do sir.

khadga limbu ktm baudha

Bhim Bahadur Mahara
29 Nov,2020

09 Jun,2017

i am looking for security guard job.i have 1 year experience in hotel,and government o nepal period police work and training.
from:anamnagar kathmanduu

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