Triveni Oil And Dal Industry, Bara

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Address: chapapipara,,Bara, Nepal
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Indranill Barua
05 Nov,2023

To: Triveni Dal And Oil Industries Pvt. Limited.

Kind Attn.: International Export In-charge

Re.: Proposal for the Premium Quality Human consumption Fresh Red Lentils (Kangaroo Brand) Milling White Wheat, Corn/Maize, Refined Soybean Oil in Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,
Have a nice day! We are a business house in Bangladesh with the business activities ranging from Imports, Export, Indenting and Supply business.

We can book valuable orders in your favour from our outstanding customers of very high profile to shape up our mutual interest for both of us as your Local Agent. We need the bulk quantity Milling White Wheat and Fresh Red Lentils for my Client /buyer's in Bangladesh Market.

Human consumption Red Fresh Lentils, Kangaroo Brand (A- Grade) Qty.1,00,000MT Yearly
Human consumption Milling White Wheat (A- Grade) Qty.-12, 00,000MT yearly
Human consumption Milling Corn/Maize (A- Grade) Qty.-6, 00,000MT yearly
Human consumption Refined Soybean Oil (A- Grade) Qty.-2, 40, 00,000 pics 2 and 5 Liter and Dram Pet Bottle Monthly

Please let us know your opinion for this matter. We will be highly obliged if you kindly come forward to quote us your most Rock bottom C&F Land port, Bangladesh prices along with products Specification for our business studies and send us your products Catalogue.

Please send us your products Specification urgently for our convenience to Explore attractive business opportunity for mutual business development.

We are really interested to establish our most cordial long term business relation with your high esteemed Company. We are completely capable to book valuable indents in your favour urgently.

So, consider our proposal on urgent basis within soonest time.

Your kind Cooperation is highly solicited.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Indranill Barua
Impexco Trade International
Baitul Haque Building
78, Motijheel C/A (7th Floor),
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Cell: +88 01552380464, 01849937330.
Whatsapp: +88 01552380464,

Pawan Jaiswal
14 Jan,2022

Sir malai masur dal 21 ton chaheheko thi yo Mero contact 9809286566 Tapai Ko number send garnu na sir

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