Himalayan Spring Water, Lalitpur

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Address: chalnakhel,,Lalitpur, Nepal
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07 Nov,2016

Dear Sir/Madam:

Subject: Importing Himalayan Spring Water for Marketing in Own Brand Name.

We are interested to develop a partnership business in collaboration with a company having access to Himalayan Natural Spring Water captured before it is polluted at high altitude for pure source and purification and bottling plant facility to meet IBWA Certification.

If your company has the scope, then, we like to know following:

1. Ex-Factory Cost of Purified, Natural Himalayan Spring Water – per 20 Liter JAR. Please let us know (i) cost of water and (ii) cost of JAR separately. Please let us know your FOB Kathmandu Price per 20 Liter JAR.
2. Approximate maximum load – Metric Tons permitted in a 20’ Container and the exact Number of 20 Liter JAR, that may be accommodated in a 20’ Container.
3. Freight (20’ Container on a Truck by Road or 20’ Container by Rail) Cost from your supply spot to Banglabandh at Ponchogorh District of Bangladesh) per 20’ Container.
4. H.S. Code no you would suggest for the product to count import duty etc at our end.

Please note that, we have our Brand and would like to ensure a proper source at reasonable cost in our effort to sell Himalayan Natural Spring Water among consumers, using our own distribution network.

Besides, what other pack/sizes/PET Bottle you have? Please let us know full specification for all small/retail packs (Including Cup, Bottle etc. if you have). Send us images please.

We would look forward to hear from you with indicative cost at each level to calculate product cost at our end to find out whether it is feasible and if yes, then, how we can proceed for a mutually beneficial business in long run.

Thanking you.

Truly yours,

Masud Ahmed Khan
CK Trading
Makhon Vlla (5th Floor)
House # 9/A, Road # 28 (Old)/ 15 (New),
Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1209,
Cell: 88 01732 628114
E-Mail: masud.ahmed.khan@mail.com

07 Nov,2016

Dear Sir/Madam:

Subject: Importing Himalayan Spring Water for Marketing in Own Brand Name.

We are interested to develop a partnership business in collaboration with a company having access to Himalayan Natural Spring Water captured before it is polluted at high altitude for pure source and purification and bottling plant facility to meet IBWA Certification.

If your company has the scope, then, we like to know following:

1. Ex-Factory Cost of Purified, Natural Himalayan Spring Water – per 20 Liter JAR. Please let us know (i) cost of water and (ii) cost of JAR separately. Please let us know your FOB Kathmandu Price per 20 Liter JAR.
2. Approximate maximum load – Metric Tons permitted in a 20’ Container and the exact Number of 20 Liter JAR, that may be accommodated in a 20’ Container.
3. Freight (20’ Container on a Truck by Road or 20’ Container by Rail) Cost from your supply spot to Banglabandh at Ponchogorh District of Bangladesh) per 20’ Container.
4. H.S. Code no you would suggest for the product to count import duty etc at our end.

Please note that, we have our Brand and would like to ensure a proper source at reasonable cost in our effort to sell Himalayan Natural Spring Water among consumers, using our own distribution network.

Besides, what other pack/sizes/PET Bottle you have? Please let us know full specification for all small/retail packs (Including Cup, Bottle etc. if you have). Send us images please.

We would look forward to hear from you with indicative cost at each level to calculate product cost at our end to find out whether it is feasible and if yes, then, how we can proceed for a mutually beneficial business in long run.

Thanking you.

Truly yours,

Masud Ahmed Khan
CK Trading
Makhon Vlla (5th Floor)
House # 9/A, Road # 28 (Old)/ 15 (New),
Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1209,
Cell: 88 01732 628114
E-Mail: masud.ahmed.khan@mail.com

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