Lumbini Books & Stattionery,

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19 Aug,2017

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good Morning,

I, santosh, live in waling Bhakunde, I want to open a stationery shop in our area. i have a little knowledge about the stationery commidities. Could your help me to give an idea. At present I am working in Qatar. But now a days here situation is not goods. So i want to settle in Nepal. I have and idea about building material but you know that it need huge amount to start the business. So i decide that i will open a stationery shop in our are.

please give us some below details,

1. What is the minimum amount to need start the business.
2. could you provide us item details,

I will wait for your positive feedback as soon as possible.

With Thanks
santosh bahadur sunar
Doha Qatar
mobile no. +974 33685295

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