3 people have shared their experiences with Dr. Rabindra Shrestha
Dear sir I m kabi Raj Aryal from Bio-diagnostics path labs Nepal
One of the most racist doctors in nepal.. specially for madeshi people(patience) who is refers from tilganga eye hospital for neurology consultant..i'm one of the verdict..Wana file case against him..wat can I do further plz suggest me my father was suffering from myesthenia gravis disease n he treated him very bad medication which cost his life..he was passed away due to this bastard doctor..such a racist person..refer from tilganga hospital..if u want to help me plz contact on 9844111123
One of the most racist doctors in nepal.. specially for madeshi people(patience) who is refers from tilganga eye hospital for neurology consultant..i'm one of the verdict..Wana file case against him..wat can I do further plz suggest me my father was suffering from myesthenia gravis disease n he treated him very bad medication which cost his life..he was passed away due to this bastard doctor..such a racist person..refer from tilganga hospital..if u want to help me plz contact on 9844111123