Dr.abhinarayan Ghimire,

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Address: ,,, Nepal
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8 people have shared their experiences with Dr.abhinarayan Ghimire

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Prakash Rai
04 Jun,2020

I am you patient suffering from syiphilis i am trying to contact you may your clinic is closed i had to contact you about my dieses precution and revisit
Pls call me

16 Jul,2018

Sir I am 30 years old young boy. My problem is Premature ejaculation 5-10 second only sex period So I nervous. How to control myself? Any medicine plz suggestion me.

18 May,2018

My son is 7 years old and he has white skin( safed daag) .... What should I do??........have you facility of successful treatment???

13 Dec,2017

Sir how can I improve sexual desire.any treatment required

06 Jan,2017

i had sex with my girlfriend..i am afraid she is pregnent by now..i hav done sex about one months before .i am afraid that she is not having meansturatiom even after 14days of the correct period .. what should we do ? please help us

06 Jan,2017

i had sex with my girlfriend..i am afraid she is pregnent by now..i hav done sex about one months before .i am afraid that she is not having meansturatiom even after 14days of the correct period .. what should we do ? please help us

06 Jan,2017

i had sex with my girlfriend..i am afraid she is pregnent by now..i hav done sex about one months before .i am afraid that she is not having meansturatiom even after 14days of the correct period .. what should we do ? please help us

06 Jan,2017

i had sex with my girlfriend..i am afraid she is pregnent by now..i hav done sex about one months before .i am afraid that she is not having meansturatiom even after 14days of the correct period .. what should we do ? please help us

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