Shahid Gangalal National Hearth Centre, Kathmandu

Views: 1714 Next
Address: bansbari ,,Kathmandu, Nepal

Shahid Gangalal National Heart Centre is providing specialist care in the field of cardiology and cardiac surgery. SGNHC is a full fledged hospital which deals with a wide spectrum of cardiac cases. The centre has established as National referral centre of cardiology and cardiac surgery. Best cardiac services with latest technologies are available here. We are paying attention to both the curative and preventive aspect of cardiology & cardiac surgery. The number of patients visiting to this centre is rapidly increasing. So, recently we have started the facility of paying clinic. This centre is rapidly building up reputation as a hospital dedicated to heart patient.

SGNHC is the busiest cardiac centre in the country and is continue to flourish and develop as a model hospital. In spite of patient services, it is also involved in training and research activities. Several programs for the poor patients are going on. This hospital has achieved more than what is defined in 10 th five-year plan.

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