Lumbini Cable Car Ltd, Rupandehi

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Address: Butwal-3,,Rupandehi, Nepal
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Ishwar Karki
01 Aug,2022

Dear Ramu sir
i owluld like to work fo rlumbinini cabl car as a HrHuman resource smanager therefor i am forwaring m y cv fo your perusal an consideriton ame for Human aresources manage rfo lumbinicabl car
Aaugust 1,2022

Managing director
lumbinicable car
Ramshah path Kathmandu,Nepal

Subject: Application for the position of Human resources manager
kin attn:o Hem Raj dhalkal

Dear ramuSir/,

I cam to know that there is vacancy of Human resources Manger /Human resources Manager in LumbiniCable car pvt .ltd as I came to know that you are looking for suitable competent and mature d candidate to appoint NHuman resoruces manger fo Luminincabl car pvt.lts , therefor please find my application for your perusal and considerationm for the said job to me.

I am an MBA and Ph. D. with specialization in Human Resources & General Administration and logistic management and supply chain management with hands on experience of more than 25 years as Head of Human Resources & Administration in various organizations like banks, multinational companies and 5star deluxe international hotel. The organizations where I have worked as head of HR are Nabil Bank- a joint-venture Bank, Nepal Indosuez Bank – a member of Credit Agricol Indosuez, Soaltee Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza – a member of Intercontinental Hotels and Bottlers Nepal, a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. Presently, I have been working with the Himalayan Bank a joint venture between Habib Bank of Pakistan and Nepalese Business organizations. Similarly, I have attended numbers of HR related international trainings, executive development programs in Japan, The Netherlands, Thailand, Singapore etc.
I undrstan century ban is a growing bank so it needs a competnnt HR manager to support strategically to ht ban to achieve strageies an an goals and objective to be large an repue and mod\d t preferable Bankof Nepal HRM now iti is not olny clricla roel jusdoin g transactioan activitis routin e hiring firing slalary paymen jo perspedctive o I fhr has changed no ihr now is strategic partner hr shoul undsertnatad banks’ strategic focus lan a itha s alihg HR activitie to suppor tto acieeve bank’’strategies an goa ls an objective an hep to gain scometitive advnge from employee s performnac HE Should b abl to ad vlue to The Ba nk enabling to move ti achieve it s strategies ,goala an dobjective through people (employee ) HR can develop employee s training an d givin oonduciv orgnaiaaiton culture which enable staf to achieive up to theitheir potential HR Has to help employe o grow up to their potential by fgivin gcareer path . relation between employee an d bank management iis reciprocal whehwhhwen bank takes care of its employee then employye in return to add vlaur to bank to achiev it s goal s objective na aad gro ow sustiainable . unfortunately most organization s odo not hiere competent HR Manager including gbnks in Nepal instead they hire junio person to save cost make theim obedirent puppet and they regret later fo the ineffective role andHR acivitie s in orgnnizaion henc that become s counter effective a competitive hr manage r motivaes employee igivin appropriate organizaitocultue na an motivate eperoorm effectively an challenge with challenging responsibilitie an take careil bal does nto crea barriee between HR an emplo their ocncer being aeasily rathe encourage to meet an shre their problem ams an didea s thatthat would be helpful for ht bank’s business growth an he turn s employe to assets rather liabilitie thoru development an d trianin g activitie to help employe grow up totheir limit

I f you wan t to practice e effective HR system then I can help you
I am confident thae I can do all th initiave as explained above in th applicaiton eletter

HR manager is not a boss insead he is caltlyst to help eployees to achieve their ambition aspiration Hr manager should b insource of inspiration too empluyees.HR manager should not confine in his office chamber instead he should bemobil e to visit workplace an doan interaction with employyee to checheck their feeler about management

I have been involved in the following HR & Administration activities, mainly in strategic HR & Admin role, during my tenure with these organizations.
a. Business and HR Planning and Resourcing
b. Formulation of HR and general Policies and SOPs
c. Organizational Restructuring
d. Developing and managing performance management systems
e. Supply chain and procurement
f. PR and Liaison with government agencies and other organizations

With the above experience and expertise, I would like express my interest to work as Chief executive offifice r(CEO) in BHaktaour chambers of COmmere & industries. under the terms of reference (TOR) stipulated for the above role effectively and efficiently to meet the expectation of the organization. I will align my activitie to corporate strategies Organization and living with core values of the UNDP & UNO in order to contribute as a Operation Manger to achieve the goals and objectives of the UNDP NEPAL Concern for sustainable growth of the company.
I have attached my application and updated CV for your kind perusal and will look forward to receiving your kind response soon.
For you information I do not expec thigh slary pakage I wnato engae an want o busy ineed job only not higher salry. .regarding sla ary tom you can decie witin you existin g system practivc ein esxosin g grade an d wh at you deem appeoprit e an you can adfford
Iwill bwlooking forwar rtoreeivin gyou positive response an an invitation for a discuission eith you
I can confidently clai I can chbrincg sea changei H R function I f you appaoin me HR manage in you bn you will see visibl ble chang I business return seployye morale an mitiviton an dpenhancmento of productivity o employees

Yours Sincerely;
Ishwar K KARKI .Ph. D I(HRm )
Kathmandu, Nepal. Mobile 9851038028

Bamdev Dumre
31 Jan,2022

नमस्कार सर

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