We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Agriculture
There are 1032 companies in the Agriculture .
milanchowk-10 butwal or , Rupandehi
mintiller,power tiller,fish pond machine,drip irrgation,grean house, water pump,dairy machine, cattle machine, threasher ,rotavetor, cultivetor, reaper,all seed machime,ricetransplanter, ...
Khokana-04, Lalitpur
Manufacturing High Quality Organic Compost In Nepal with corporate partners in Netherlands. ...
Madhumalla, Morang
Deals with medicinal herbs supply to the local level as well as overseas. ...
Opposite of veterinary hospital, Kailali
Veterinary good and all veterinary service. ...
Panchkhal , Kavrapalanchok
We produce basically ginger and turmeric seeds. ...
Manbhawan, Lalitpur
Honey and Beekeeping - The Goodness of Nepalese Nature. TBS Pure Honey of different flower sources, Bee wax Cream, Bee wax Candle, Propolis, Pollen, Royal Jelly, Honey Soap, Beekeeping Equipment, ...
Khairahani-9, Chitwan
we provide cobb500 commercial broiler chicks. ...