BUSINESS DIRECTORY / Education & Training

Education & Training

Top Education & Training Listed in Nepal

We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Education & Training

Categories in Education & Training

There are 1171 companies in the Education & Training .

KMC College

Bagbazaar , putalisadak, Bhaktapur

Kathmandu Model College (KMC) in affiliation with Tribhuvan University is steadfastly dedicated to nurturing the next generation of leaders… ...

+ 1 Years



AECC Nepal stands out as a premier Study Abroad Consultant in Kathmandu, Nepal, committed to providing unparalleled guidance to students for a successful visa application process. Since its inception ...

+ 1 Years

Certified College of Accountancy

Thapagaun,New Baneshwar, Kathmandu

Certified College of Accountancy (CCA), an esteemed Platinum Approved Learning Partner of ACCA in Nepal, has an impressive history spanning over 18 years dedicated to delivering the prestigious Association of ...

+ 1 Years

Euro Kids Nepal

Tangal, Kathmandu

Euro Kids, a brand owned by Eurokids International Ltd, is India’s No. 1 pre-school chain. Eurokids started its operation in 2001 with 2 preschools but now has more than 875 ...

+ 3 Years

Children Herald Academy

Nepaltar, Kathmandu


+ 3 Years

New Everest Academy

Haripur-2, Sarlahi


+ 5 Years

Nepal Entrance

Kalopul, Kathmandu

Online Entrance Preparation in Nepal ...

+ 6 Years

Kohinoor Edu Care Pvt

Putalisadak, Kathmandu

Study Abroad, test preparations and visa preparation ...

+ 6 Years

Himalayan College of Management

Kamal Pokhari, Kathmandu

Himalayan College of Management (HCM) is a modern dynamic institution that blends rigorous academic pursuits with highly relevant, focused and skill-based courses to suit the demand of various stakeholders in ...

+ 6 Years

IIMS College

Dhobhidhara, Kathmandu

IIMS College was established in 2010, with the vision of providing practical based education to its students, who could be readily be sellable in the market after their graduation. Then ...

+ 6 Years

Youth Vision Hotel Training Center

Sorakhutte Chowk, Kathmandu

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a Professional Hotel Management Training Center working for providing job oriented training program particularly in the field of hotel management sector of tourism ...

+ 6 Years

IIMS College

Dhobhidhara, Kathmandu

IIMS College was established in 2010, with the vision of providing practical based education to its students, who could readily be sellable in the market after their graduation. Then it ...

+ 6 Years

NCA College of Management

Battisputali, Kathmandu

Established in 2004 by a team of professionals from diverse fields with the vision of contributing to the national economy by producing qualified professionals through the conduction of ACCA/FIA courses, ...

+ 6 Years

NCA College of Management

Battisputali, Kathmandu

Established in 2004 by a team of professionals from diverse fields with the vision of contributing to the national economy by producing qualified professionals through the conduction of ACCA/FIA courses, ...

+ 6 Years

Babylon National School

New Baneshwor, Kathmandu


+ 6 Years

Golden Peak High School

Kapan, Kathmandu


+ 6 Years

Earl Electronics and Technical Institute

Itahari, Sunsari

With the prior mission of providing technical/ vocational training keeping center to youths, EARL ELECTRONICS AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE (EETI) was established in 2060. Comprising management committee representing experts on ...

+ 6 Years


Kumaripati, Lalitpur

TechAxis is one of the most trusted and the Best IT Training Institute in Kathmandu, Nepal . Established in 2017 by a group of passionate, experienced Engineers and IT professionals. ...

+ 6 Years

nepal hub education

chabahil, Kathmandu

Best Japanese language in town ...

+ 5 Years

Dada Driving and Safety School

bhaktapur, kathmandu, Bhaktapur

Intro : DADA Driving & Safety School provides complete package of Service & Training regarding Driving License to Individual, Group & Corporate level. Our service : Driving License Training of Bike, ...

+ 6 Years