BUSINESS DIRECTORY / Directory of Industries, Nepal

Directory of Industries, Nepal

We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Industries

Categories in Industries

There are 3103 companies in the Directory of Industries, Nepal .

sabin engineering workshop

bisamari-5, Makawanpur


+ 14 Years

new bikas tar jali udyog

gaushala road-12, Parsa


+ 14 Years

asesh metal industries

saatdobato, Lalitpur


+ 14 Years

Dantakali Wool Dyeing Industry

Mulpani, Kathmandu

We have been providing Wool & Silk Dyeing service since 1989 A.D. From past 30 Yesrs, we've been developing new Technics & Innovation to provide best dyeing service. Every year ...

+ 6 Years

sundar steel

birgunj, Parsa


+ 14 Years

tulasi iron stores

college road, Sunsari


+ 14 Years

reliance themopoly industries

main road, Lalitpur


+ 14 Years

ganesh ferrozinc industries

biratnagar, Morang


+ 14 Years

hulash steel industries

kamladi, Kathmandu


+ 14 Years

aarti strips

bargachi, Lalitpur


+ 14 Years

hulash steel industries

kamladi, Kathmandu


+ 14 Years

ganesh ferrozinc industries

lalitpur, Lalitpur


+ 14 Years

apollo steel industries

sanepa, Lalitpur


+ 14 Years

aarti strips

balaju, Kathmandu


+ 14 Years

Janaki Furniture -Janaki Steel Industries

Lekhnath Marg, Morang

Janaki furniture is the trademark of Janaki Steel Industries and their genuine products can only be purchased through their FACTORY OUTLET or lets say THEY HAVE FACTORY AND SHOWROOM AT ...

+ 3 Years

rasthrya chala udyog

tankisinwari, Sunsari


+ 14 Years

pioneer panning industries

dubahi, Sunsari


+ 14 Years

kacho chala sankalan bikash kendra

ithari-8, Sunsari


+ 14 Years

nepal tanning industries

biratnagar, Morang


+ 14 Years

anata chala udyog

basbari, Morang


+ 14 Years