We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Industries
There are 3103 companies in the Directory of Industries, Nepal .
amarsingh chowk, Kaski
nasika , Kavrapalanchok
arniko marg, Kavrapalanchok
panauti, Kavrapalanchok
dhaneshwor, Kavrapalanchok
subba gaun, Kavrapalanchok
banepa, Kavrapalanchok
saga, Kavrapalanchok
swyambhu, Kathmandu
balaju, Kathmandu
balambu, Kathmandu
nagarkot road, Bhaktapur
gongabu, Kathmandu
gothatar, Bhaktapur
gokarna, Kathmandu
bhaktapur, Bhaktapur
kamladi, Kathmandu