We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Non Government Organizations
There are 14 companies in the Other .
Z street , Kathmandu
Magic Expedition travel serves all major treks like Annapurna Base Camp Trekking, Manaslu Trek, Everest Base Camp Trek, Volunteer and Charity Trekking in Nepal. ...
Sukedhara Margh, Sukedhara, Kathmandu
Transformations Nepal is a drug treatment and rehabilitation centre established in 2011 to support drug and alcohol dependents overcome their addiction. This organization was established by Mr. Santosh Ghimire who ...
Kalimatidole, Kathmandu
Modern cleaning & Servicing Pvt. Ltd holds years of experience have been serving for many residential and commercial area of Nepal for more than decades. Utilizing our cleaning experience ...
Bharatpur-4, Lanku, Chitwan
Jibachha veterinary hospital Research & Training center(P)Ltd,Bharatpur-4,Lankupul,Narayangarh,Chitwan is largest mixed practice private veterinary hospital in Nepal.Well facilitated diagnostic laboratory facilities are available for cattle,poultry,goat & dog.Dr.Jibachha Sah,M.V.Sc is director of ...