We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Energy
There are 39 companies in the Solar .
Lalitpur , Lalitpur
We are working on Solar system ,Solar water heating system , Inverter and Inverter battery , House wiring and also have service of annual maintenance contract for electrical work ...
satdobato, Lalitpur
Solar System Sales and Installation Generator Sales and Maintenance Motor Rewinding and Industrial Wiring Lightning Protection System Sales and Installation Electro-mechanical Services ...
House number: 435; Ward number: 27 Lazimpat, Narayan Gopal Sadak,, Kathmandu
Kathmandu based, solar designer, integrator, and installer. Privately owned and operated since 2003; Specialize in off-grid solar, hybrid power systems, solar with diesel generator, AC coupled micro-grid. Provide consulting services or project management ...
Jorpati-3, Kathmandu
Solar Inverter, Non Solar Inverter, Hybrid UPS, Online UPS, Servo Voltage Stabilizer. ...