We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Banking & Finance
There are 191 companies in the Money Transfer & Exchange .
Hattisar, Kathmandu
eSewa is a digital wallet and online payment gateway operating in Nepal providing instant online payment solutions. Recharge your mobile, pay for electricity(NEA), water bills, buy movie tickets, event tickets, ...
Bakhundole, Patan 44600, Lalitpur
Khalti is a digital wallet for instant, secure and hassle-free online payments in Nepal. Recharge your mobiles, pay bills, book tickets wherever you are. ...
Lazimpat Road ward#2, Kathmandu
Foreign Exchange Service in Nepal ...
Sorhakhutte, Nayabazar, Kathmandu
EasyLink Remittance is the first remittance company in Nepal. After establishment in 1999, we became the first authorized MoneyGram® agent in Nepal to introduce the MoneyGram® service. ...