We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Agriculture
There are 113 companies in the Seed Supply .
Gwarko , Lalitpur
We supply all types of Seed and organic fertilizer ...
Garuda-9, Rautahat
Please Visit Our Farm.we provide different type of Baby fish fry. Thank you ...
Kupondole, Lalitpur
Lekali Dog Chew Nepal is one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality natural Himalayan Chew in Nepal. We procure and process our products through direct trade relationship with over 20,000 ...
Syuchatar, Kathmandu
Remember us for quality seed, pesticides and agricultural tools. ...
Bishal Marg, Sahid Chowk, chitwan, Chitwan
Top Quality Seeds (Cereals, Vegetables, Legumes, Oil seeds, and forage etc) producer of Nepal. ...
Panchkhal , Kavrapalanchok
We produce basically ginger and turmeric seeds. ...