We have found the following list of companies/organizations inside the directory of Industries
There are 330 companies in the Directory of Bricks & Tiles Industries, Nepal .
dahchowk, Kathmandu
dhapakhel, Lalitpur
tikathali, Lalitpur
jhaukhel, Bhaktapur
thankot, Kathmandu
jhaikhel-7, Bhaktapur
gongabu, Kathmandu
badikhel, Lalitpur
tathali, Bhaktapur
tenkune, Kathmandu
sanagaun, Lalitpur
teenkune, Kathmandu
jharubarasi, Lalitpur
bad bhanchang, Kathmandu
lalitpur, Lalitpur
kalanki, Kathmandu
shyambhu, Kathmandu
banthali, Kathmandu